You’ve Been Crowned Fundraiser

Crown your friends and family to support FTC Santa Ana

Purchase "You've Been Crowned" to show your friends you think of them as royalty.

Their yard will be royally carpeted for AT LEAST 2 DAYS with:

  • The letters "Ive Been Crowned” + 2 Gold Crown Signs

  • 1 "Support Kids in Foster Care" Yard Signs

  • 1 "You've Been Crowned" (how to crown someone else) Yard Signs

All "crownings" are anonymous. Should you decide to share your participation, do so at your own risk of Crowning!

Additionally, we have arrived at homes and started to "crown" them, only to have the homeowner come out and indicate they did not wish to have signs in their yard. If you foresee the possibility that the recipient may not enjoy the crowning, it may be wise to check with them first and perhaps share the photos on this page with them.

You will be contacted via EMAIL within 5 days regarding the scheduling for your crowning. If we do not hear back from you, we will move forward with crowning the yard on the dates indicated in our email to you.